AtD Chapter 26, Section 2, p. 322: Canonical Eli

Michel bulb at
Thu Jun 5 03:53:42 CDT 2014

Thanks Monte (and Mark and David), really appreciated!


> Elihu Yale founded the school which was renamed in his honor, so its 
> students were nicknamed "Elis." The campus favorite "Whiffenpoof Song" 
> ( mentions both "Mory's" 
> (Moriarty's) and "the place where Louie [Lassen] dwells" as favored 
> hangouts, i.e. "canonical Eli venues."
> I read the quoted sentence as "Kit wasn't in the mood for the usual 
> places."
> On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 10:17 AM, Michel <bulb at 
> <mailto:bulb at>> wrote:
>     "Canonical Eli venues were not the ticket today"
>     Kit wanders through the New Haven night after he hears from Lake
>     that his dad has been killed. Moriarty's is mentioned, then Louis
>     Lassen's and finally Canonical Eve.  Anyone an idea what this
>     Canonical Eli venue is?
>     Thanks!
>     Michel.
>     -
>     Pynchon-l /

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