Question concerning GR

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Sat Jun 14 23:59:44 CDT 2014

On Saturday, June 14, 2014, Andrew Field <andrewfield2002 at>
> Hey P-Lister's,
> I'm going through my second reading of GR and it is clear that it is an
absolute masterwork. There has been a passage that has always stuck out for
me, and I'm undecided what rationale Pynchon gives to the following:
> "I would see you free [talking to the rats), if I knew how. But it isn't
free out here. All the animals, all the plants, the minerals, even other
kinds of men, are being broken and reassembled every day, to preserve an
elite few, who are the loudest to theorize about freedom, but the least
free of all."
> The character who speaks it is Weberly Snail, but it is almost an
inclusion of the author's voice at this part.
> - This paragraph mirrors, ostensibly, the key theme of the book,
technology and control (or freedom and domination, if you will), but the
question is: why are the few elite the least free?
> To me, it seems this is an evasion on Pynchon's part - an almost
throwaway answer - that resists the complication of the obvious reply: they
are more free than you because they are not part of the system of control
the same way that we are. So who can blame the master for making you a
slave, if he becomes more free because of it.
> From the outset, to me, it seems the elite are more free because they can
choose your bondage, and you will always be part of the
scientific-technological control system. It doesn't make sense to think the
elite are less free because they have to spend their time controlling you.
It would amount to, in the master vs. slave dialectic, that the slave is
more free. A counter-intuitive answer.
> So, who is more free, and why did Pynchon think they were the least free?
> Cheers,
> Andrew Field
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