"Bin Laden May Not Exist"
alice malice
alicewmalice at gmail.com
Sun Jun 22 10:03:50 CDT 2014
I think we did a fine job with the political themes. Neo-Liberalism
and Late-Capitalism were explored in depth. The use of Conspiracy was
examined. We discussed the family because it's impossible to ignore
the fact that Pynchon's politics are played out in his fictional
families. In Bleeding Edge families have nice boys, good kids, given
a great education...who turn out to be Ice Monsters...families have
daughters they protect from the struggle they wage to keep their
neighborhoods, who, because of cultural and technological forces (Tube
& Co.) turn, not completely, but turn to power fascism....and so on.
We discussed this at some length. Unless I dreamed it.
OK, back to the game most Americans don't know is going down.
On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 6:00 AM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at gmail.com> wrote:
> The interview sounds wrong to me in possibility and from the word ' trendy'
> on. It has been disavowed by Ms. Jackson.
> "Late capitalism" in BLEEDING EDGE has been discussed. And the usual
> miscellany of other aspects, many of them 'political'. A key cultural (
> embodied politics )aspect of BE is what made many plisters dislike it: pop
> has totally won. Also pretty clear that money took NYC and in the way
> novels write themselves larger than their literalness.....
> And the future awaits anyone on the paths less traveled now on the plist.
> Sent from my iPad
> On Jun 22, 2014, at 3:01 AM, Kai Frederik Lorentzen <lorentzen at hotmail.de>
> wrote:
>>> What “Bleakhaus” couldn’t have known when he or she wrote this is that,
>>> while Against the Day (2006) may touch on 9/11 symbolically, his 2013 book
>>> Bleeding Edge deals with it literally—it’s part of the book’s plot. <<
> Very true.
> Unfortunately neither reviewers nor plisters seem to be interested in
> discussing the novel's construction of 11 Sep ... They discuss Bleeding Edge
> as family novel and/or NYC novel. The basic political dimension of the plot
> has not been analyzed by anyone so far.
> On 21.06.2014 21:22, Dave Monroe wrote:
> http://touch.dangerousminds.net/all/bin_laden_may_not_exist_did_thomas_pynchon_give_this_9_11_interview
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