"Bin Laden May Not Exist"

David Payne dpayne1912 at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 23 15:14:56 CDT 2014


...Beginning in about 2005, the CIA began secretly developing a ­custom-made Osama bin Laden ­action figure, according to people familiar with the project. The face of the figure was painted with a heat-dissolving material, designed to peel off and reveal a red-faced bin Laden who looked like a demon, with piercing green eyes and black facial markings.

The goal of the short-lived project was simple: spook children and their parents, causing them to turn away from the actual bin Laden...

> On 21.06.2014 21:22, Dave Monroe wrote:
> http://touch.dangerousminds.net/all/bin_laden_may_not_exist_did_thomas_pynchon_give_this_9_11_interview

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