Brief AtD appreciation after listening to it

Doc Sportello coolwithdoc at
Thu Jun 26 07:22:24 CDT 2014

Right on, I listened to a sample of the guys voice who read IV and it
sounds promising. Might give that one a listen too.

On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 5:14 AM, Mark Thibodeau <jerkyleboeuf at>

> My first read of Inherent Vice was via audiobook. When I went back and
> read it "analog" (does that work? Not really) I was astonished by a)
> how much I remembered from my listen, and b) how good a job they
> seemed to have done, in retrospect, with the audiobook.
> I would recommend them, but I'm sure there are some works that don't
> survive the transition. Tried to listen to Heidegger's Being in Time
> once.... SHEESH! No go!
> On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 8:09 AM, Doc Sportello <coolwithdoc at>
> wrote:
> > So how was the audiobook version? I've read AtD already but I've been
> > wanting to go back to it. I realized that I spend most of my day at work
> > listening to music when I could just as easily listen to a book on tape.
> It
> > just seems so efficient but I'm worried that listening to it as opposed
> to
> > reading it will cause some loss of content. Does that happen? I've never
> > tried audiobooks.
> >
> > On Jun 25, 2014 10:04 PM, "Michael Bailey" <mikebailey at> wrote:
> >>
> >> They just flew toward grace a few minutes what a yarn! Only
> >> wished for a better stereo and a quieter car...volume control
> problematic
> >> when there is such a variety of levels (but that's a feature not a
> bug!) Not
> >> wanting to miss the quieter ruminations but dreading especially some of
> >> Lindsay's expostulations.
> >>
> >> I noticed in particular a twin of passages: when Reef 'n' his little
> >> family traversed the battlefield talking about the dead as unwanted
> >> immigrants from another country...
> >> & then not extremely much later Vibe after seeing Death or whatever on
> his
> >> private train, talked about how he thought many of the striking miners
> might
> >> be prematurely resurrected shades of east Europeans killed in strife
> there,
> >> drawn to the similar karmic spoor in Colorado
> >>
> >> Vibe, unable to see his own actions as anything but correct, seeking out
> >> epicyclic explanations...Foley eventually wielding Occam's revolver to
> send
> >> him in for regrooving.
> >>
> >> Also, early instantiation of the Thanatoid theme (early historically,
> not
> >> oeuvrologically)
> >>
> >> - Pynchon-l /
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