are you idiots there?

Michael Alan michaelalancc at
Sun Jun 29 11:35:57 CDT 2014

I don't know a Clavey.  Nor am I Beld.  How would you know a Bled?

Do you watch here, and never respond?  I don't do that.  I only ever look
at this thing, when I want to say something.  That's why I connect to, because I feel like stepping into the shallow waters of
Pynchon's pond.  I never, never, do not, ever, read emails from this thing,
ever, unless like right now.

And it's a hassle, once you get consumed with the brief flash, because you
have to spend five minutes getting back connected with Waste.  The
Majordomo.  They're nice people though.

Last time I was on here was like six months ago.  Then it was something
like nine months prior to that.

I bring a much needed energy into this wasteland.  Morris prefers to
pronounce me a troll, but he loves me otherwise he'd be silent for once in
his life.

""Phosgene decomposes violently...""

Why, I'm just curious, nobody believes you, but why, Clavey, the cloven,
why did you do that thing where you announced Bled's return, with a sigh?
 What is it?  And what is an anti-Zoyd?

On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 10:56 PM, Rich Clavey <antizoyd at> wrote:

> Bled by another still,(sigh), Bled.
>   ------------------------------
>  *From:* Michael Alan <michaelalancc at>
> *To:* David Morris <fqmorris at>
> *Cc:* Keith Davis <kbob42 at>; "pynchon-l at" <
> pynchon-l at>
> *Sent:* Saturday, June 28, 2014 5:48 PM
> *Subject:* Re: are you idiots there?
> Try being lterary.
> If you have no clue, repose yourself.
> On Saturday, June 28, 2014, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
> Troll rule:
> Don't feed it unless you want to watch it shit.
> On Saturday, June 28, 2014, Michael Alan <michaelalancc at> wrote:
> If you want to play piano bar, all your life, go ahead.  In itself, that
> is a leaping.  Slow motion.  You get that.  You are already falling.
>  You've already hit.
> "For a day or two after they got married..."
> I'm here to toke while your head splits upon the glistening ground.
> On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 6:04 PM, Keith Davis <kbob42 at> wrote:
> Do it now ! Don't hesitate !
> <>
> On Jun 28, 2014, at 6:54 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
> Jump!
> On Saturday, June 28, 2014, Michael Alan <michaelalancc at> wrote:
> I subscribed here, like three minutes ago.  I looked out the window, then
> went for a piss.  Maybe it was four minutes ago, five now, six by the end
> of this.
> And nothing.  But whenever, if, and only if, if the first zombie that says
> something on this quaalude quagmire is Markus Kohutikus, I will leap from
> this, much more real, 60 floor window.  Yes, people live that high.  And
> leap even higher.
> I've read Pynchon, yawn.  Ridiculous entity, entirely.
> Is there a creature named Wonderland here?  I want to suck your cock.   m
> Six and a half.
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