Fwd: Robert Graves

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at gmail.com
Sun Jun 29 14:27:50 CDT 2014

> Theorized about poetry as well as wrote it. The White Goddess, that TRP fave, has elements. 
> One aspect of theorizing concerned how the real poet WROTE---i.e. got his inspiration. 
> He came to call it a "hypnagogic trance" state; a state that accessed our dream world, our unconscious, etc. while awake, or semi-awake. 

  But it seems he formulated other phrases to describe this before he arrived at the above. 

One phrase was " the paranoic state [of mind]?   Man, doesn't that seem like the perfect way to describe  Gravity's Rainbow's style? 
> Sent from my iPad
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