Anybody interested in Project Paperclip should probably stay away from the Jacobson book

David Morris fqmorris at
Fri Mar 7 10:44:47 CST 2014

*Right. What Monte, Alice, and I have been talking about (although not all
in the same way) is the nature of being human that we all share. That is
the central subject in all of Pynchon's writing, which is why his writing
is great.*

*The specifics of any real conspiracy come and go. Their root causes
remain, and are the real subject.*

*David MorrisOn Friday, March 7, 2014, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at
<brook7 at>> wrote:*
> *Beliefs probaby differ in  origin and nature depending on the belief and
> the person.  Some are tentative working hypotheses and some are inherited
> fundamentalisms, some emerge from experience or revelation.  Operation
> paperclip was not a matter of belief but of real actions What you are
> saying about beliefs is  relevant to  certain conspiracies and theories
> about conspiracies. But that is not what I have been talking about all. On
> Mar 6, 2014, at 10:54 PM, David Morris wrote: > Conspiracy beliefs are the
> natural product of an inquiring mind.  Nihilism is its opposite. Does the
> world make sense? Or is there no sense?  These are the choices. Conspiracy
> is a component in this question only because any sense that can be
> discerned is not freely given. It is hard to find. It requires a quest. And
> such a quest implies an opponent.  Eventually the questioner realizes the
> opponent is himself.  We have met the enemy... > > David Morris*
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