What happens to a conspiracy revealed?

alice malice alicewmalice at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 16:29:20 CDT 2014

This idea usually goes along with the one that connects the MIC to the Oil
industry than argues that US exploits in the region have only made wealthy,
the powerful and wealthy, more powerful, the powerful. But the US and it
allies have also raised the living standards of ordinary people. Not by
trickle down, but by dominating weaker nations, colonization...so
on...and  own, whatever....if the US did not, and if the US does not
continue to, kill, and meddle...push Russia on Ukraine...etc...support
Israel....it's GDP, and the GDPs of other nations, nations like Canada,
Australia, Norway, Japan....yes, those nice clean countries that never get
blood on their safe and comfortable lives... will suffer. Most people
believe this and that is why they put up with the Machiavellian  US.

Somebody has got to be the Empire.

On Wednesday, March 12, 2014, Michael Bailey <mikebailey at gmx.us> wrote:

> Rich wrote "how would you suggest we deal with these people"
> How about by not making their lives subject to a "great game", not
> deposing their elected governments and not stealing their oil?
> Then if they unprovoked attack us, well! We shall be ready, and give them
> *such* a thumping! &
> "live life, every golden minute of it!" - Pynchon-l /
> http://www.waste.org/mail/?list=pynchon-l
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