What happens to a conspiracy revealed?

alice malice alicewmalice at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 11:30:40 CDT 2014

I'm rooting for the US and Europe in this one. The lesser of two
evils? No, but I don't like Putin's face. He's hard to look at.

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at sover.net> wrote:
> Putin is a nasty character on many fronts and has murdered some journalists, but nothing compared to the scale of US state killings and wars  etc.  To me it is like a war between Mafia dons, I don't admire either but I think my prediction will prove accurate, not that this will be any consolation to me. I like the story of the Ukrainian events being a popular revolt against a self indulgent lackey of Russia, It sounded good until we all heard that phone call from cold blooded wife of a founder of the project for a new american century. The US state department choosing a central banker to fill the hole left by killers is not something I am inclined to rally around.
>   My thoughts on Putin actually came from a disagreement where I was criticizing Putin and was looking up information on his history and found that the facts as a whole did not paint the picture I had.
> On Mar 13, 2014, at 5:42 AM, Michael Bailey wrote:
>> Mark - Life of Brian! "Well, there're the roads, of course. And the aqueducts. Oh, and the wine! And law enforcement - used to be you couldn't walk the streets at night in Jerusalem without getting robbed. But other than that, what's Rome ever done for us?"
>> Joseph - you didn't just use increased GDP as a rationale for stopping worrying and learning to love Putin!? Girlfriend...
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