NP - Russian Sanctions
Heikki Raudaskoski
hraudask at
Tue Mar 18 12:22:27 CDT 2014
The presence of neo-Nazis in the new Ukrainian government is alarming
indeed. The EU really should react. The EU is economically broke, but
does it have to be morally broke too.
On the other hand, the composition of the Ukrainian government bears a
strong resemblance to that of Putin's government, which e.g. is a more
or less open supporter of more or less fascist hate groups etc. So, *in
principle*, these two governments should get along well... People like
Putin who most eagerly play the fascist card are often genuine fascists
themselves. (My views are undeniably somewhat partisan as the woman I
love is an active member of the anti-Putin opposition in Moscow.)
On Tue, 18 Mar 2014, Thomas Eckhardt wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Mar 2014 09:28:13 -0400
> alice malice <alicewmalice at> wrote:
> > Well, forgive me if I misapplied your ideas or statement.
> >I thought
> > your point was that Putin was the lesser of two devils
> >(the greater
> > being the US-backed government--a dubious claim). Isn't
> >this Putin's
> > propaganda? You say the US gort this going with the
> >expansion of
> > NATO. More propaganda from Putin.
> No, my point was not that Russia was the 'lesser of two
> devils.' And how in the world would Putin claiming that he
> is 'the lesser of
> two devils' qualify as Russian propaganda? I mentioned the
> expansion of NATO in passing.
> > And, I know exactly what I'm talking about. I never said
> >that Putin
> > has won the hearts and minds of Germany, its major
> >parties or major
> > newspapers. That's your misapplication of what I said.
> >Apology
> > accepted in advance. I posted from the Guardian on the
> >propaganda
> > impact of Putin's machine. It doesn't claim, and I never
> >claimed that
> > Putin has won the support of major parties or major press
> >in Germany.
> Ok, then what *are* you talking about? You wrote "(...)
> the Putin propaganda machine is quite effective in
> Germany (...)"
> The Guardian article, by the way, is a joke:
> "Though there were nationalists and far-right nationalists
> among Kievs protesters, and there are some in the new
> interim government, there decidedly werent and arent
> many if any bona fide fascists. This line has been
> both taken up and debunked (thoroughly), but any
> discussion of fascists at all is a Kremlin win."
> (With regard to "fascists", I again point to Max
> Blumenthal's article in Salon. I reserve judgment for the
> articles linked in the original Guardian piece that
> supposedly
> "thoroughly debunk" the fascist/Nazi line of argument as I
> have not yet read them.)
> What the Guardian is saying here is that one should not
> discuss the fascists in the interim government because
> this plays into Putin's hands. Soon it will be regarded as
> a thought crime if one agrees with Putin that 2 plus 2
> equates 4.
> I am especially fond of that "- if any -".
> The following excerpt must be an attempt at satire. They
> can't possibly be serious:
> "Putin has also insisted that Yanukovychs ouster was not
> just illegal but a coup, and he has pointed fingers at the
> west for orchestrating and backing the culprits. Again,
> slivers of truth work in Putins favor: Kievs parliament
> removed Yanukovych on constitutionally murky grounds,
> though everyone else has now accepted them; because
> Senator John McCain and European leaders visited Kiev, it
> looks like the west really *did back* those obstreperous
> radicals."
> Yes, that's exactly what it looks like.
> Thomas
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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