The Goldfinch

kelber at kelber at
Sat May 10 13:39:47 CDT 2014

I really liked the book, though I didn't catch any whiff of Pynchon or anything post-modern or even thematic about it. It seemed to me that the author was updating Dickens. Orphaned protagonist making his way in the world, encountering well-defined, occasionally bordering on cartoonish, characters who disappear, then reappear years later, with an ending that drifts slightly away towards a not completely satisfying - though not ambiguous - ending. It deserves the acclaim it's received, IMO.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at>
>Sent: May 10, 2014 10:20 AM
>To: Allan Balliett <allan.balliett at>
>Cc: Pynchon-L <pynchon-l at>
>Subject: Re: The Goldfinch
>Let me be clear, as Nixon used to say. SPOILER ALERT so, go away if necessary.
>She describes her protagonist, awaking inside the Met right after a terrorist bomb blast has knocked him unconscious. Her dwelling on the material destruction around him, glass, twisted 
>Metal and stuff, no light, then peeks of light and more, all remind me of the fall of the Crystal Palace  opening of GR....
>I very speculatively think she may pay homage to " a progressive knotting inward" when she writes how her protagonist, moving into a twisted mess, all bent and contracted....can not get back out ( which is objectively puzzling, inn't it? I mean he has just got there in a now-still location? So, he must go deeper in before he can get out....and he does. 
>Sent from my iPad
>On May 10, 2014, at 10:01 AM, Allan Balliett <allan.balliett at> wrote:
>> Feels like The Recignitions to me. But I only get the parts my wife reads aloud 
>> Allan in WV
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On May 9, 2014, at 8:57 PM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:
>>> If you have read it, and you have read the opening of Gravity's Rainbow some multiple of the times you have read Gravity's Rainbow, is the influence on Ms. Tartt's opening chapter very clear---with a " there, there" homage to Catch-22---or clearly projected by this reader
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