William Gibson

Keith Davis kbob42 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 16 16:26:55 CST 2014

Got lucky and found Zero History at my local used place for $3. Sorry, William.


> On Nov 16, 2014, at 3:32 PM, Alliah <contato at alliahverso.com.br> wrote:
> "Wired.com: How about Twitter? More than most authors I’ve checked out, your tweet-happy avatar @GreatDismal seems to be most comfortable messaging and cool-hunting on the service. And in the novel, Twitter’s consistently used as a communication and parenting device, depending on the spook.
> Gibson: Well, I discovered Twitter while I was writing the novel, and I immediately saw its odd potential for being a tiny, private darknet that no one else can access. I’m always interested in the spooky repurposing of everyday things. After a few days on Twitter, what was most evident to me is that, if you set it up right, it’s probably the most powerful novelty aggregator that has ever existed. Magazines have always been novelty aggregators, and people who work for them find and assemble new and interesting stuff, and people like me buy them. Or used to buy them, when magazines were the most efficient way to find novel things.
> But now with Twitter, after following people who have proven themselves to be extremely adroit and active novelty aggregators, I get more random novelty every day that I can actually use. A lot of it just slides by, but a lot of it is stuff that I used to have to go through considerable trouble to find. And a lot of it is so beyond the stuff I used to be able to find, which is good.
> Wired.com: It sounds like Twitter has successfully brought the social networker out of you.
> Gibson: I guess Twitter is the first thing that has been attractive to me as social media. I never felt the least draw to Facebook or MySpace. I’ve been involved anonymously in some tiny listservs, mainly in my ceaseless quest for random novelty, and sometimes while doing something that more closely resembles research.
> But I never wanted to be on Facebook. And to my surprise, I found that Twitter started to bring in new friends and connections. I suspect the difference is that it is less formatted, or not formatted at all. It hasn’t been constructed to provide me an experience in any particular way, which is a function of its minimalist architecture.
> Wired.com: The deluge of novelty that Twitter provides reminds me of the line in Zero History where Milgrim’s therapist explains that “paranoia is too much information.” Do you think Twitter, as well as the exponentially evolving internet, is turning us all into paranoiacs?
> Gibson: We’ve all got infinitely more soil for paranoia than we previously had before. But I don’t think it necessarily means we are more prone to grow it. But if we are prone to grow it, we could grow it more quickly and lavishly than we could when we only had a few newspapers and monthly magazines to act as fertilizer."
> From the interview "William Gibson Talks Zero History, Paranoia and the Awesome Power of Twitter": http://www.wired.com/2010/09/william-gibson-interview/all
> I've been on twitter for five years and it's the only social network profile that I don't want to delete.
> 2014-11-16 14:41 GMT-03:00 Becky Lindroos <bekker2 at icloud.com>:
>> Spook Country is the second in a group called The Blue Ant Trilogy.  They can be read as stand-alones,  but they use the some of the same characters. These "Hubertus Bigend” books are my favorite novels by Gibson.
>>         • Blue Ant trilogy (Hubertus Bigend):
>>                 • Pattern Recognition (2003)
>>                 • Spook Country (2007)
>>                 • Zero History (2010)
>> Bekah
>> > On Nov 16, 2014, at 9:24 AM, Keith Davis <kbob42 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > Just this minute finished Spook Country. Awesome! Completely hooked.
>> >
>> >
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