Gravity's Audio

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Wed Nov 26 05:59:12 CST 2014

Agee on comparisons with Goodfellas.....
and which is why the Hubbard comparison so quickly failed The Master.....

With all the money at stake, we know that no filmmaker has much
control of his movie's marketing.....but think a moment,
how would one get anyone into a theater on the archetypal,
semi-allegorical themes if I've outlined them more of less right.

Read any non-promo interview with Anderson to see his
'deeper'---"other' intentions.

When some of us are gone, the rest will learn how much Pynchon and
Anderson 'collaborated' on The Master and surely Inherent Vice.

Read sometime when bored, Anderson on his lifelong fascination with
Pynchon's work. Think about the couple-three-four OVERT
allusions/quotes from
P's oeuvre. (None of his interest necessarily makes his films work, of course)

I think it will be a wonderful example of the democracy of opinions
when those who dislike later Pynchon and those who disliked later/any
Anderson comment here on
the anarchic plist about the IV movie...

Waiting for Godot.

On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 6:19 AM, Carvill John <johncarvill at> wrote:
>>Boogie Nights (1997) = Goodfellas (1990) + porn
> That's how it was sold at the time, yeah. Comparisons with Goodfellas did it
> no favours whatsoever.  Instead of finding propulsion in seemingly mundane
> scenes, as Goodfellas did, the opposite occurred: ostensibly racy segments
> felt dull and over-worked.
> The film reminded me of a really bad stand up comic riffing in an empty
> room.
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