CIA again,then

Thomas Eckhardt thomas.eckhardt at
Mon Oct 27 14:36:01 CDT 2014

The CIA used "an SS soldier" in the Cold War? You, i.e. Lichtblau, must 
be kidding me...

That one lonely "SS soldier" must have been Klaus Barbie, the "Butcher 
of Lyon" and CIC/CIA asset after the war. As it would have been 
embarrassing for U.S. intelligence to admit to the French that they 
employed Barbie, they provided for his escape to Bolivia via the Vatican 
"Rat Line."

Barbie had, amongst other things, sent more than 40 Jewish children to 
the gas chambers:

'Klaus Barbie sent an almost unbelievable recital of the proud 
accomplishment and success of the action: "This morning the Jewish 
children's home 'Children's Colony' in Izieu-Ain was liquidated. 
Altogether 41 children aged three to thirteen were arrested. 
Furthermore, it was possible to arrest the whole Jewish staff consisting 
of ten persons, including five women. Cash or other valuables could not 
be seized." In addition it says that the transport to Drancy will take 
place on 7 April 1944.'

The CIC knew about this but it did not matter in, you know, the grand 
scheme of things.

Throughout the years various Bolivian governments turned out to be most 
interested in Barbie's expertise (torture, murder).

Recommended reading (hopefully the book will be translated at some 
point), fresh off the press with brandnew research: Peter Hammerschmidt, 
"Deckname Adler."

Pynchon-l /

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