Naomi Klein

Keith Davis kbob42 at
Wed Dec 16 06:34:48 CST 2015

My mother crying at the dinner table, saying, You've just read too many books...

> On Dec 16, 2015, at 5:24 AM, Allan Balliett <allan.balliett at> wrote:
> Well, be thankful that you didn't have to climb out of  a deep magical thinking childhood household to be able to embrace a humanist world view in an almost guilt-free fashion as many of us have had to. Shoulders to stand on, rather than run away from.
> I'm reminded of when my 10th grade bone fide John Bircher civics teacher called my mother and told her I was reading "the wrong books."  He was thinking "Nietzsche,"  but apparently he didn't dare to be specific, which left her thinking "pornography," which led to some pretty strange ("you know, those kind of books") conversations between she and I before at least I understood what was going on. OK, I'll stop now.
> -Allan in WV
>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 10:46 PM, kelber at <kelber at> wrote:
>> Raised by card-carrying lefty Jewish parents, but not sure if I have an edge.
>> Laura
>> Allan Balliett <allan.balliett at> wrote:
>> OMG! Which is her NEW BOOK? 
>> I wish I had been born the son of radical parents.
>> Even Jewish parents could have given me the edge I appear to have needed.
>> -Allan in Shepherdstown, WV,  where our Synagogue is a Presbyterian church
>>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 5:20 PM, Keith Davis <kbob42 at> wrote:
>>> I'm 60 pages into her new book. Of course, it's unsettling, but seems like we all need to hear it.
>>> Pynchon-l /
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