(np) Merkel Must End Devil's Pact with America

Ian Livingston igrlivingston at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 10:21:47 CDT 2015

 >>I just worry about my kids.

Not me; I had mercy on them and made sure they were never conceived. But I
do still fear for the damage to all living things caused by our
exceptionalism and entitlement.

On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 3:11 AM, Kai Frederik Lorentzen <
lorentzen at hotmail.de> wrote:

>  Quatch
> Sorry, dude, it's "Quatsch" (not 'Quatch') and it's your Quatsch, not mine
> or Feldenkirchen's.
> This has nothing to do with the feelings between the citizens of the two
> countries. But by now it is open for everybody to see that the NSA is
> primarily a tool for economic espionage. And it all goes back to the time
> before '9/11', so it's not about terrorism at all. As Feldenkirchen has it:
> "It is questionable that the German Agricultural Ministry's fisheries
> department, which the NSA also spied on, had anything to do with Osama bin
> Laden or al-Qaida." Sure, during the Cold War West Germany was nothing but
> a US colony. Every larger post office had a room where agents were
> controlling all the letters, no phone call remained unnoticed. The first
> two chancellors of the Federal Republic of Germany, Adenauer and Erhard,
> were chosen by the US before they were elected by the Bundestag, and West
> Germany's cultural life -  take for example the Literarische Colloquium
> Berlin (LCB) - was to a good deal organized and even financed (Ford
> Foundation!) via the CIA. A fucking banana republic we were. And in many
> regards we still are. That's the thing which has to end, but Angela Merkel
> is certainly not the person to do this. So it will take some time, but this
> surely will come. Yankee, go home! We don't want your ugly surveillance
> equipment here on our territory. Peace to the American people!
> One more thing: No matter with what currency I'm going to pay in the
> future, my life will have been a good one anyway. I just worry about my
> kids.
> On 10.07.2015 11:14, matthew cissell wrote:
>> Quatch. Belongs in Bild. "Devil's Pact"? Bitte.
>> Deutsche Bank has manipulated Libor and German intelligence has spied
>> on its neighbors. Try not to be so high and mighty.
>> And if the U.S. and Germany are no longer friends I suppose you'll
>> have to cuddle up with the Poles who love Germany, the Russians who
>> want to visit again, and of course the French who have a special place
>> in their heart for Germany. Lets forget the English -  they even have
>> a German queen.
>> Hey Kai if you live long enough you may get to have your beloved Mark
>> back, but you may not like what other changes come along with it.
>> Ciao
>>   MC otis
>> On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 10:41 AM, Kai Frederik Lorentzen
>> <lorentzen at hotmail.de>  wrote:
>>> Today we know: The friendly smile worn by Angela Merkel's hosts in
>>>> Washington all these years has been insincere at best. <
>>> http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/editorial-merkel-must-end-devil-s-pact-with-america-a-1042573.html
>>> -
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