Chris Hedges: Karl Marx Was Right - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Jerome Park
jeromepark3141 at
Thu Jun 4 04:57:15 CDT 2015
We are [not] all in it together.
On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 5:54 AM, Jerome Park <jeromepark3141 at>
> The on-shored jobs from the so-called manufacturing renaissance in America
> is something to keep an eye on. How many of these jobs that left America to
> find cheap workers and avoid regulations on the environment, taxes,
> utility costs...are now returning to automated factories? And China too is
> building huge automated plants. The glut of commodities, mostly from
> production and productivity gains made during the boom continues unabated,
> even in oil, as America drives down costs with new and improved
> technologies that bring up WTI at $30, now looks like a reverse of the
> so-called super cycle, a BRIC driven cycle that lasted a not so super 10
> years. The reverse cycle may be truly super and may last decades, driving
> wages down and forcing workers to work forever. The politicians pander.
> Germany tick down the retiree for a bit, Greece will have to raise its, but
> in the end, a so-called early retirement will become a thing of the past.
> Where will the pensions find safe yield? They won't, as interest rates will
> not respond to QE or any other central bank maneuver to inflate late
> capital. Financial repression does help the poor, the indebted, and it
> obviously helps those who have inflated assets, stocks, but it squeezes the
> worker in a vice. China is the key right now. How the US and China work
> together is the key. And China wants to lifts its poor, still 90% of the
> people, and that means the developed worker will have to work more for
> less. It's that simple. Then there is India....
> Certainly good news for the poor, especially in countries like Brasil,
> where the workers party has been in power for 12 years and, despite the
> headlines and protests by the new "middle class", have the support of the
> poor, who now vote.
> Not good news for the developed worker, who will bleed on the edge of a
> brave new world.
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 6:41 AM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:
>> Yeah, we Old World Privileged have to export commas and other
>> entertainment while real workers have to be replaced
>> by 'coolies'. (Just read about how global deflation has been
>> exacerbated because of a non-stop glut of cheaply-made
>> Chinese goods.)
>> This too is in Against the Day.
>> What a world, what a world.
>> On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 5:55 AM, Jerome Park <jeromepark3141 at>
>> wrote:
>> > Loved The Wire. Hope you all have been checking in on The Roosevelts on
>> your
>> > public television station.
>> >
>> > The Big Force that most Marxist diagnosticians are ignoring is China.
>> The
>> > elephant in the room is China. The Capitalists know it. It's not the
>> BRICs,
>> > though these so-called emerging economies are a big enough force, but
>> It's
>> > China & Capital that are deflating the global economy and driving labor
>> into
>> > slavery. There is no solution in the short term and in the long run we
>> are
>> > all dead. And I'm an optimist. This is about as good as it gets fro
>> workers
>> > in our lifetimes folks. Get used to it.
>> >
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
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