Odds of another Pynchon novel

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at gmail.com
Fri Jun 12 16:46:02 CDT 2015

Friend Rich,

All circumstantial ---and some outside factual hearsay----evidence points to ATD being begun
After GR too and being written partly along with M & D. JohnLeonard's words about TPs ongoing work upon the MacArthur Grant.

And, I do not understand what " the new direct style" even IS per your reference. later works " more direct in style" than GR???....

How, tell me, is AtD based on a GR template, which is Wha ????   

I'm hot and baffled today so

More than half-directed at the questioner, and whomever, and I apologize and blame myself in advance since I, notorious fanboy---see Morris's well-made case---was via some character fault, stupidly offended at a question of possible posthumous works ....From a living author whose latest are YESTERDAY, one, maybe both, as youthful in verbal style---IV, that 
> Witty as early Shakespeare work ---think Two Gentlemen of Verona---that is lighter and less rich than his fuller masterpieces. 

What other living, recently-published author, whose longtime wife and the mother of his child is also An Active Agent, is being asked whether there will be posthumous works??? ( Margaret Atwood just delivered a novel to the Future publicly. ) 

I will read every work he publishes, just as I do Shakespeare ( and a few others) no matter how minor they may be. THERE ARE SHARDS OF UNFORGETTABLE GENIUS in IV and AtD
Is so underappreciated we hardly know it. I vow here and now NOT TO EVER AGAIN dis those
Who keep repeating  how bad this book is. I will tell you for the last time you are so wrong you don't really know where to begin. ( Go ahead, have at me) 

We can't even finish an M & D read on this entropic LIST, much less another ATD read.
We all know where we stand and what we know. Like the same opinion in the face forever. 

We're not even close to the best Janeites. Or the aggregate Austenites. 

Sent from my iPad

> On Jun 12, 2015, at 3:57 PM, rich <richard.romeo at gmail.com> wrote:
> friends 
> I dont think AtD comes anywhere close to GR. I meant he took the GR template and fit it within his "new direct style", begun in Vineland and continued in IV and BE. Finding that new direction was probably the reason for the 17 yr absence (M&D was begun before that discovery most likely).
> rich
>> On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 4:16 PM, Lemuel Underwing <luunderwing at gmail.com> wrote:
>> and in response to Rich,
>> AtD was at least loosely in the works since before GR was published. Remember that letter to Candida? It might have been lacking almost everything we'd associate with the finished product, but I think it appearing to be a reworking of GR is at least in part because of it's relative positioning-- on the P's authorial timetable (er timespasm?)
>>> On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 12:48 PM, rich <richard.romeo at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I wondered whether AtD was Pynchon's rework of GR but with much clearer declarations, character development, calling out his "bad guys" which I think would fit well with the last two efforts as well, with the added clarity of him living through those times. with Vineland IV and BE out of the way, I'm not sure there's another book like it from his personal life like those were. but what do I know
>>> rich
>>>> On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 12:21 PM, Johnny Marr <marrja at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I'd rather have no more Pynchon than disappointing or compromised Pynchon.
>>>> If we're going to have another work I think it'll be the same length as IV or BE (if not shorter) - I think Pynchon knows time is passing and has abandoned the epic multi narratives since ATD to focus on smaller, more self contained works.
>>>>> On Friday, June 12, 2015, rich <richard.romeo at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> maybe/maybe not though leaving BE as a final statement would be unfortunate
>>>>> as I made my way finally through the book, there were glimpses of what makes Pynchon Pynchon (much of the Windust scenes and some of Maxine's later adventures in Deep Archer searching for Lester Traipse) but in such a dialogue heavy/plot driven book, they were few and far between. I skimmed through the last 50 pgs, not really caring all that much. 
>>>>> rich
>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 9:50 AM, Jamie McKittrick <jamiemckit at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Thoughts? Will we get another one? Two? Maybe a posthumous work?
>>>>>> Apologies for the Friday afternoon morbidity. Taking bets... now!
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