Odds of another Pynchon novel

Jerome Park jeromepark3141 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 18:02:14 CDT 2015

What makes these early novels so much better than the California books is
the Manichaeism beyond and, in GR, the Orphic Song, or the hymn to
scatterbrained Mother Nature's Grace, a force so mysterious only God knows
the measure of.

On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 6:56 PM, Jerome Park <jeromepark3141 at gmail.com>

> They are tools that can be discarded. But what are the forces that use
> them? Brock has his funding cut, not by anything mysterious,  insidious, or
> monstrous, but by  government agency. Windust is a tool of government
> agency and its cumbersome and often ineffectual ventures with multinational
> business and agency.
> In contrast, in GR, the monstrous and insidious forces are invisible and
> mysterious, beyond the comprehension of, let alone, the reach of any
> coordinated counter cultural resistance.  The force is, for lack of a
> better term, as Dwight Eddins so artfully and elequantly describes it, a
> Gnostic Force. This force is born from Pynchon's readings of Adams and is
> the driving force or theme that makes V. a masterpiece first novel.
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 7:46 AM, Thomas Eckhardt <
> thomas.eckhardt at uni-bonn.de> wrote:
>> "Brock? Windust? Not forces invisible, mysterious, insidious, monstrous.
>> Just here and now. So What? "
>> Whatever else they may be, Vond and Windust are also tools of "forces
>> invisible, mysterious, insidious, monstrous." Tools which can be discarded
>> at any time.
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