Odds of another Pynchon novel
Jerome Park
jeromepark3141 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 04:54:52 CDT 2015
But it is Adams's Education, and, satirically, Stencil's quest or search
for meaning, for identity and causality, for what, for Adams, is lost and
can't be recovered, the Force that he describes in the famous chapter on
the Virgin, that is formative. Not so White Godless or Frazer...Eliade etc.
The Virgin force, mysterious and fecund has degenerated into the inanimate.
It's Christmas Eve, but the Virgin will not deliver. Still, the force of
Mother is all around, yet only the Father, in fragments is known. But She
is. GR may be read as a response to Pig and Profane and the whole sick
crew's abortion.
On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 11:18 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at gmail.com> wrote:
> It goes much deeper than Adams. The Virgin isn't owned by Adams. His is
> but one framing.
> On Monday, June 15, 2015, Jerome Park <jeromepark3141 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> They are tools that can be discarded. But what are the forces that use
>> them? Brock has his funding cut, not by anything mysterious, insidious, or
>> monstrous, but by government agency. Windust is a tool of government
>> agency and its cumbersome and often ineffectual ventures with multinational
>> business and agency.
>> In contrast, in GR, the monstrous and insidious forces are invisible and
>> mysterious, beyond the comprehension of, let alone, the reach of any
>> coordinated counter cultural resistance. The force is, for lack of a
>> better term, as Dwight Eddins so artfully and elequantly describes it, a
>> Gnostic Force. This force is born from Pynchon's readings of Adams and is
>> the driving force or theme that makes V. a masterpiece first novel.
>> On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 7:46 AM, Thomas Eckhardt <
>> thomas.eckhardt at uni-bonn.de> wrote:
>>> "Brock? Windust? Not forces invisible, mysterious, insidious, monstrous.
>>> Just here and now. So What? "
>>> Whatever else they may be, Vond and Windust are also tools of "forces
>>> invisible, mysterious, insidious, monstrous." Tools which can be discarded
>>> at any time.
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