
Qui Zael quizael at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 16:43:45 CDT 2015

Come on, you can't do it.  Do it.

Actually explain away what I've been saying.

Wittgenstein.  Do it.

On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 4:38 PM, Charles F Abel <cfabel at sfasu.edu> wrote:

>  This is very nearly the silliest twaddle I’ve had the misfortune to
> encounter.
> *Rick*
> C. F. Abel
> Department of Government
> Stephen F. Austin State University
> Editor-in-Chief, *Administrative Theory and Praxis*
> *“*The harmony between thought and reality is to be found in the grammar
> of the language-game.”
> --Witttgenstein
> *From:* owner-pynchon-l at waste.org [mailto:owner-pynchon-l at waste.org] *On
> Behalf Of *Qui Zael
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 17, 2015 3:58 PM
> *To:* pynchon-l at waste.org
> *Subject:* Hitler
> Not to sound messianic, or prohetic, but....Dawkins.
> The awesome thing about Dawkins, is that he's an archetype of lower
> consciousness. He will be dismissed.  The *hilarious* thing, about that
> dude, is that he will reject it all...til he's in his tomb.
> Dawkins has the massive ego that will *never* allow him to acknowledge
> that something is manifesting outside his perview.
> Everything on this planet was given, all living things, all rocks, all
> crystals, all dimensions.  It's circularity about the Sun.  This stuff
> didn't happen by accident.  How absurd is that.  It was an act of
> consciousnees, simply put, on a higher level than we yet perceive.  The
> Moon is 2160 miles across.  That's what, one 12th of a cosmic cycle.  Etc.
> If you look at DaVinci's picture of the man with spread arms and legs, not
> only is the star tetrahedron there, but if you proportion the top part, it
> fits exactly the dimension of the Moon, relative to the body, the Earth
> proportion.
> Why would DaVinci *know* that?
> He wasn't human.
> How does this relate to Pynchon?
> Well, Pynchon is laughing.  Dawkins is bullshitting.
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