the Twain of Tesla

Kamil Prusakowski kukujus at
Thu Jun 18 14:43:18 CDT 2015

some nice legit geometry (and some algebra) without new-age bullshit
(a-and vide tessaract in AtD)

2015-06-18 20:17 GMT+02:00 Elisabeth Romberg <eromberg at>:

> I enjoyed the 22 minutes of geometry.   Would you mind sharing some other
> stuff from utube or other places? Stuff that you might be looking at at the
> moment?
> Sendt fra min iPhone
> Den 17. jun. 2015 kl. 17.26 skrev Qui Zael <quizael at>:
> I'm not one to link stuff to people, but I'm going to now.  After a couple
> days of absurd imbibing, I feel compelled to absurdify to you absurd
> peoples.  You are much more than you think you are, yet you keep
> regurgitating in the same spherical spherinities.
> So I am here to help.
> There are some on this email thing, if it's still going, I've been on here
> for two days and there's only been what, twelve posts, so maybe you are a
> dying species, sand all the same people as the last time I came on here two
> years ago, anyway so you, pull your head out, it is time.
> There is something way way more going on than your idiotic sciences have
> you believe.  The sad part is, you think Pynchon is scientific, when he
> simply plays with what he knows is much more.
> This youtube is only 22 minutes long.  It's exceptionally well done.  I
> shouldn't even be going on about this with you, but you're Pychonites, so I
> think you're of the people, who can finally begin to grasp what is really
> going on.  I have lost friends and relatives for spouting off the absurdly
> "non-natural" (non-"scientifik" as "we" know it) nature of the Moon, but
> that's just the tip of the iceberg:
> And further, if you want a "scientific" viewpoint, though he doesn't say
> half as much as he really knows, guarantee it, look up Nassim Haramein.
> The unified theory is upon us.  And *that* is just the beginning...
> Anyway check out this 22 minutes of gemoetry:
> On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 9:37 AM, Qui Zael <quizael at> wrote:
>> What is this photo, I'm sure everyone has seen it.  Not of my fabulous
>> face, I mean the one where Twain is, he has something going on between his
>> hands.  In there's Tesla peekin' 'ver his sholder.
>> It's interesting that Pynchon gives all the clues in the world, but yet
>> so few of its students realize what hits on about.
>> There is freedom energy.  It resides between, in the vast space, between
>> the particles we perceive.  Pynchon knows this, there's no reason why you
>> students of Pychon finally shouldn't grasp it.
>> Twain, and Tesla, were not, exactly, how do I put it to you, so that you
>> don't hemerorrage in your overloaded brains.  They were not, are not,
>> entirely from around here, so to speak.
>> Begin with the cuboctahedron.  Then go in from there.  Then go out.
>> God is a geometer, nothing else.
>> Once you students of Pynchon begin to understand these elements, you'll
>> see that sacred geometry is directly related to that sphere of light Twain
>> has betwain his hands.
>> It might even be the case, that to become active in this density, it
>> takes two, or more, to tango--
>> "I cannot conceive you."
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