Paracultural Calendar for June 21

Mark Thibodeau jerkyleboeuf at
Sun Jun 21 18:39:50 CDT 2015

On this day in *1948*, Columbia Records introduces the long-playing record
album (LP) in a public demonstration at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New
York, New York, thus ushering in the era of the deleriously pompous
excesses of *Progressive Rock <>* and "concept

On this day in the year *1964*, three civil rights workers - *Michael
Schwerner*, *Andrew Goodman* and *James Chaney*- disappear while driving
back to New York in the middle of the night. 44 days later, their dead
bodies are discovered in an earthen dam where their Klan-affiliated
murderers, including some members of the local constabulary, had buried
them. What did these three men do to deserve such a fate? They were getting
black folks to register for the vote in Mississippi.


On this day in *1969*, homosexual icon *Judy Garland* dies in London at the
age of 47, in a freak avalanche. Seems she was singing in the shower when
she hit a high note that triggered a chain reaction, sending all the pills
in her medicine cabinet plunging into the bathroom, crushing her.


On this day in *1982*, would-be *Reagan* assassin *John Hinckley Jr* is
found not guilty by reason of insanity. The fact that he’s the son of one
of the people who *financed
<>* *George Herbert
Walker “Poppy” Bush*’s bid for the Republican nomination just a few years
earlier - a bid he lost to Reagan - probably helped him out a bit, don't
you think? Seriously folks, read the information contained at the given
link. You'll be amazed, if you aren't already aware of these facts.


On this day in *2004*, *Paul Allen* and *Burt Rutan*’s *SpaceShipOne* becomes
the first privately funded spaceplane to achieve spaceflight. Spacewow,
that’s, like, totally spaceawesome!
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