Please allow me to brag a little.

kelber at kelber at
Fri Mar 6 07:21:52 CST 2015

Congratulations, Mark!


-----Original Message-----

From: Mark Thibodeau 

Sent: Mar 5, 2015 10:55 PM

To: pynchon -l 

Subject: Please allow me to brag a little.

Some of you know about The Last Halloween - a short film based on a comic strip I drew.
It's available on Youtube if you missed my previous emails about it.
Anyhoo, we've won a few awards at the various festivals where it's played, but this week, we won something that we never have before... an award that comes with a nifty STATUETTE! 
It's the iHorror Award for Best Short Film of 2014, and here is the lovely statuette we get (dunno if it has a nick-name... maybe "the Reapies" would work?
Mark T.
Pynchon-l /

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