M & D Group Read. the "Waves ever beating"....that Gatsby trope but here, not year beating back

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at gmail.com
Sat Mar 7 05:25:09 CST 2015

"AMERICANS have a long history of worrying about their decline," notes
Joseph Nye. Puritans in 17th-century Massachusetts lamented a fall
from earlier virtue. The Founding Fathers fretted that the republic
they had created might dissipate like ancient Rome. Modern scholars
are a gloomy lot, too. Michael Lind of the New America Foundation, a
think-tank, has written that, with America's foreign policy in a state
of collapse, its economy ailing and its democracy broken, the American
century ended last year."

>From a book review of Joe Nye's book in the current The Economist
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