M & D Latitude is easier than Longitude

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at gmail.com
Sun Mar 15 05:48:04 CDT 2015

p. 141....."many,--as had the elder Cabot upon his deathbed,---claimed
to've been told the Secrets of th eLongitude by God (os, as some preferred,
Thatwhchever Created Earth and her Rate of Spin)

is that Cabot, one SEBASTION?

And don't you just love the soft satirizing of religious talk, or
maybe "philosophical theology" which
finds abstract ways to say what a word used to say......and/or what
might be meant by a vague word
such as 'God"....

Reminds me of what he seems to do in Against the Day.

p.142   riff on Latitude vs. Longitude...in which it is said that Zero Meridian
is based on a certain Himalayan Observatory, in Tibet..........

ANOTHER throwing in of THIS nod to Tibetan centering of life.....
Can we not help but think of the cover of Against the Day now that it
is published?....

Eastern 'religious' thought slides into the text like certain
'anarchist' notions slide into
GR and AtD, yes?..the kind of Eastern 'religious' thought we might
characterize as
non-religious (in any Western sense)?...

Tibetan Buddhism...a 'religion' without a hierarchy and without any
scriptural must-interpret doctrine?
a TRP 'ideal"?.....
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