NP: Dalai Lama calling off reincarnation

Mark Thibodeau jerkyleboeuf at
Sun Mar 15 23:43:43 CDT 2015

I'm sorry, and I'm sure this isn't politically correct to say, but in this
as in many other things, China is a fucking disgusting shit-stain on the
soul of all mankind.


On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 12:33 AM, David Casseres <david.casseres at>

> If you haven't heard about this, you can find a ton of commentary by
> googling, and it mostly looks like really weird political theater.
> I managed to find the Dalai Lama's own statement. It's bit lengthy, but
> much of the length is a detailed history of the doctrine of reincarnation
> of the Dalai Lama; I skimmed that, as the point seemed to be only that such
> a history exists. The institution is neither eternal nor made out of whole
> cloth.
> What I draw from the statement is a concrete plan for depriving the
> Chinese government of any legitimacy (from the Tibetan point of view) if it
> tries to decide for itself who will be the next Dalai Lama (which it says
> it will do). This Dalai Lama proposes that he will be the last one, to be
> followed by a democratic movement. If it sounds like whistling in the
> dark,, well, he's using about the only personal leverage he possesses.
> It's a very odd moment in history.
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