M&D - Chapter 19-21 - Time

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 13:34:23 CDT 2015

Ron Charles, Wa Po: Tell me one of the "sparks" you almost included
but finally decided against.

Ryan Chapman: Vladimir Nabokov has three birthdays. He was born on
April 10 under Russia's old Julian calendar, and their switch to the
Gregorian one resulted in a rare gap. Somehow, his new official
birthday was both April 22 and April 23. I don't understand how that's
possible, but I'm told it's true.

On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 4:17 PM, Elisabeth Romberg <eromberg at mac.com> wrote:
> Charles Clerc in 'Mason&Dixon&Pynchon' mentions how time and space are
> related in terms of restraints, that is, the means to limit, to codify, to
> standardize.
> And how the calendar reform shows how time is manipulated overruling the
> people's protests.
> (p. 97)
> 29. mar. 2015 kl. 21.50 skrev Elisabeth Romberg <eromberg at mac.com>:
> According to David Cowart in 'TP & the dark passages of history' M&D is a
> book that <<contextualizes its meditation on spatial phenomena (the Line and
> its orientation to the heavens) by a remarkably exhaustive attention to the
> temporal - to time, that is, in all it's manifestations.>> p. 145
> 29. mar. 2015 kl. 21.05 skrev David Morris <fqmorris at gmail.com>:
> Space vs Time, not Good vs Evil.
> On Sunday, March 29, 2015, Elisabeth Romberg <eromberg at mac.com> wrote:
>> Rev'd, after telling the Landlord to serve Mason a pint, goes on to say:
>> <<(...) the Battle-fields we know, situated in Earth's three Dimensions, have
>> also their counterparts in Time.>>
>> Which Earthly Battlefields? Good vs. Evil?
>> Counterparts in time? There was a battle over how we, the people, should
>> perceive Time? Lunar goddess-time vs. Solar patriarchal-time?
>> -
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