M&D - chapter 19-21 - The Jesuits

Elisabeth Romberg eromberg at mac.com
Tue Mar 31 07:34:24 CDT 2015

p. 192
«Because their Philosophers and ours,» explains Mr. Hailstone (hailstone <https://www.google.com/search?q=hailstone&client=safari&rls=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=H3saVZrpKoqnsgGs-oHIDg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=660>), «are all in League, with those in other States of Europe, and the Jesuits too, among them possessing Machines, Powders, Rays, Elixirs and such, none less than remarkable, one, now and then, so daunting that even the Agents of Kings must say their Hands»

There is no news in that The Vatican have an observatory, Castel Gandolfo, in Rome. 

But not many people know that the vatican also has an astronomical observatory in Arizona, United States, near Mount Graham, right? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vatican_Observatory <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vatican_Observatory>. Where they operate a telescope named «Lucifer», the most powerful in the world, and that they are using to monitor outer space https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvekoiI_HuQ <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvekoiI_HuQ> (and extraterrestrial life?)

Head vatican astronomers and Jesuit priests, Father José Gabriel Funes and Guy Consolmango, who is also connected to CERN, openly talk about our «space-brothers» who did’t suffer original sin...http://stephenlaw.blogspot.no/2010/02/aliens-free-from-original-sin.html <http://stephenlaw.blogspot.no/2010/02/aliens-free-from-original-sin.html>

Apparently the vatican basically has an office at CERN! http://www.americancatholic.org/news/report.aspx?id=1970 <http://www.americancatholic.org/news/report.aspx?id=1970>

CERN and the Vatican go way back:
Archive photo from 1982 showing Pope John Paul II and CERN director-General H. Shopper
http://protocol-office.web.cern.ch/official-visit/holy-see-vatican-city-state <http://protocol-office.web.cern.ch/official-visit/holy-see-vatican-city-state>

And we have a Jesuit pope now.

CERN of course is just about to punch a hole into another dimension, scheduled next month. 

And…. CERNs logo could be deciphered as 666. As could the ampersand on the M&D cover… 
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