M&D - chapter 19-21 - The Jesuits

David Ewers dsewers at comcast.net
Tue Mar 31 13:19:53 CDT 2015

On Mar 31, 2015, at 5:34 AM have a nice day, violet wrote this message:), Elisabeth Romberg wrote:
> But not many people know that the vatican also has an astronomical observatory in Arizona, United States, near Mount Graham, right? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vatican_Observatory. Where they operate a telescope named «Lucifer», the most powerful in the world, and that they are using to monitor outer space https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvekoiI_HuQ (and extraterrestrial life?)
	Wow!  I had no idea.  Lucifer is an excellent name for a telescope, I must say.

> Head vatican astronomers and Jesuit priests, Father José Gabriel Funes and Guy Consolmango, who is also connected to CERN, openly talk about our «space-brothers» who did’t suffer original sin...http://stephenlaw.blogspot.no/2010/02/aliens-free-from-original-sin.html
> Apparently the vatican basically has an office at CERN! http://www.americancatholic.org/news/report.aspx?id=1970

	Good stuff!
> CERN and the Vatican go way back:
> Archive photo from 1982 showing Pope John Paul II and CERN director-General H. Shopper
> http://protocol-office.web.cern.ch/official-visit/holy-see-vatican-city-state
> And we have a Jesuit pope now.
> CERN of course is just about to punch a hole into another dimension, scheduled next month. 
> And…. CERNs logo could be deciphered as 666. As could the ampersand on the M&D cover… 

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