Paracultural Calendar for May 8
Mark Thibodeau
jerkyleboeuf at
Sat May 9 09:37:07 CDT 2015
On this day in *1874*, British archaeologist *Howard Carter* is born. In
*1922*, he would discover the tomb of 14th century BC Boy Pharaoh, *King
Tutankhamen*, thus sparking a worldwide frenzy of "Egyptomania" in the
years between the First and Second World Wars.
On this day in *1950*, pulp magazine writer *L.Ron Hubbard*'s book *Dianetics:
The Modern Science of Mental Health* hits store shelves for the first time.
Today, May 8th is regarded as an important *Church of Scientology* holiday:
the "Anniversary of Dianetics."
On this day in *1960*, the *FDA* announces it will approve birth control as
an additional indication for *Searle*'s *Enovid* - otherwise known as "the
pill" - making it the world's first government approved oral contraceptive.
Depending on who you ask, it is also another giant step down the slippery
slope of NWO-sponsored *eugenic population control*
<>... but I'm not quite ready to buy
into that argument yet, myself.
On this day in *1974*, the United States House of Representatives Judiciary
Committee opens formal and public impeachment hearings against
President *Richard
Nixon*. Tricky Dick resigns in the face of overwhelming evidence of his
guilt in the *Watergate* affair (among other, far worse things), therefore
robbing the committee of their chance to make history.
On this day in *1989*, Vice-President *Dan Quayle* delivers a speech
to the *United
Negro College Fund* board of governors. In it, he mangles that
institution's motto - "A mind is a terrible thing to waste" - by declaring:
"What a waste it is to lose one's mind, or not to have a mind is being very
wasteful." You know, after experiencing *Preznit Dubya*'s suspiciously
familiar verbal locutions, it kinda clears up some of the mysteries
surrounding his *Poppy Bush*'s choice of running mates way back in 1988...
Potatoe-head Dan reminded Herbert Walker of his own first-born son!
On this day in *2004*, Chechen president *Akhmad Kadyrov* is killed by a
land mine under a VIP stage during a World War II memorial victory parade
in Grozny, Chechnya. 30 others die in the blast, which came from a bomb
that was actually built right into a bridge earlier that year in long-term
anticipation of this particular event. Watch the insane video below to see
why I always say that the "Russian Panic Button" is the trigger on an AK-47.
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