Crackpot Realism

rich richard.romeo at
Sat May 23 11:27:48 CDT 2015

I think there are more factors to consider besides economic self interest
in the time right after 9/11. I thought no blood for oil was a rather
simplistic slogan though you do need those to garner wide support for a

On Saturday, May 23, 2015, Jerome Park <jeromepark3141 at> wrote:

> The irony assumes the US has interest in the region other than to balance
> its plan to destabilize and contain and keep oil prices under 90.
>  But the US has no other interest there. Iran will build the bomb. So
> what. It will assert more power and so will Saudi Arabia. So what. Sounds
> like a good plan to keep the place unstable and contained. ISIS is the new
> Iraq. So what?
> On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 11:45 AM, rich <richard.romeo at
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','richard.romeo at');>> wrote:
>> I think that came after when they needed to justify the invasion w/o WMD
>> found. I thought Cheney and co wanted to deter others by being aggressive
>> and willing to use force. Remember the talk of taking out Assad? Even the
>> Iranians. Seeing where we're at now one can help seeing the irony. We need
>> Tehrans help against Isis and we want Assad to stick around.
>> rich
>> On Saturday, May 23, 2015, Monte Davis <montedavis49 at
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','montedavis49 at');>> wrote:
>>> Could be wrong, but I think sociologist C. Wright Mills coined "crackpot
>>> realism" circa 1960 for the kind of pseudo-realpolitik thinking that, e.g.,
>>> had the Bushies in 2002 envisioning Iraq as a beacon of freedom and
>>> democracy for the Middle East.
>>> On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 8:57 AM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> In an online fragment of a book about some "modern writers',
>>>> the (minor) novelist Melvin Jules Bukiet---one of whose books
>>>> pays overt homage to GR, I remember---called writers like
>>>> Thomas Pynchon CRACKPOT REALISTS long before Wood
>>>> found his descriptive adjective for REALIST. @1995.
>>>> Besides exaggerated "reality" in description and characterization, he
>>>> found the use of coincidence
>>>> and chance instead of true-to-life plot movements to be a major part of
>>>> his meaning with the term.
>>>> I like it better than HYSTERICAL REALISM (which shows Wood's
>>>> bias via verbal associations of Hysterical.
>>>> -
>>>> Pynchon-l /
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