Very Pynchon and It's About Us! (partly)

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Sun Oct 4 07:24:57 CDT 2015

There is a conference on pop culture-- Midwest PC Association--
happening in Cincinnati, Ohio
this weekend and this woman, a law professor, has been tweeting about
the papers
and talks.
Evidently there has been a paper on fandom with a lot of stuff on Pynchon.

These tweets should, ideally,  be read in reverse order---but I wan't
going to move them one-by-one--since that is how they are posted but
however you read them, they are snippets of the notions in said paper.

Explored values, once they're shared, can explode. Fandoms are
perfecting this. #mpca15

You can use fandom studies to help analyze history: Karl Marx fans,
Adam Smith fans, fans following Chaucer to Canterbury. #mpca15

Nimoy occupied a key position in the evolution of fandom as a form of
social engagement.

So to me you're doomed if you do and doomed if you don't if you're a
celebrity. Are these activities around Pynchon less harmful than RPF?

Apparently people at one point speculated Pynchon was the Unabomber. #mpca15

He seems to think this is a parody but to me it sounds like people are
confused that it might actually be Pynchon. Hmm. #mpca15

Because Pynchon is so anonymous, a fan posted a video pretending to be
Pynchon. #mpca15

The appearance of the legally problematic word "parody"! Everybody
drink! #mpca15

Apparently Pete Campbell on #madmen reads Thomas Pynchon and I feel
like that's all I need to know. #mpca15

Male fans try to force identity onto Pynchon in a show of strength. #mpca1

Pynchon's fandom online is overwhelmingly white male Baby Boomers. #mpca15
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