Re: What Do We Really Know About Osama bin Laden’s Death?

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Mon Oct 19 14:26:19 CDT 2015

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 12:47 PM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:
> I'm with you on ZERO DARK THIRTY but not convinced by Hersh in this
> case...Bowden is...somewhere?...NYT refuting the NYT
> piece on the conspiracy possibilities....or something....
> On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 11:17 AM, rich <richard.romeo at> wrote:
>> I still think much of what is concerning is how the torture effect was spun
>> to look a lot more favorable, in movies, hearings, etc. If anything, Zero
>> Dark Thirty should never be shown again. I wouldnt put it up there with Jud
>> Suss but it's pretty close.
>> With that siad, I didnt find much of Hersh's report all that mind-blowing.
>> The admin used Bin Laden's killing for political purposes. My god, OBL wasnt
>> armed, he didnt get a proper burial. Really? who cares. the fucker's
>> deserved a worse death than that.
>> Was the raid staged and Pakistan knew all about it? dont think we'll ever
>> get to the bottom of that one. Knowing the strained relations between the US
>> and Pakistan I do find it a tough sell to claim that the Pakistanis would
>> willingly make them selves look like bozos for the whole world to laugh at.
>> There's much to be suspicious about. I think we need to focus on the right
>> ones
>> rich
>> On Sun, Oct 18, 2015 at 6:36 PM, Thomas Eckhardt
>> <thomas.eckhardt at> wrote:
>>> Thanks, Dave. A balanced article which -- surprisingly, as it is the NYT
>>> -- does not feed into the new and rather transparent "Seymour Hersh has lost
>>> it" narrative (roughly: past achievements are acknowledged, but now he is
>>> old and has forgotten to take his meds). Hersh's pieces for the London
>>> Review of Books are very important. Which is not to say that his version of
>>> the events in question is accurate (how would I know?), just that they
>>> should be taken into account.
>>> Am 17.10.2015 um 06:05 schrieb Dave Monroe:
>>>> "It’s not that the truth about bin Laden’s death is unknowable; it’s
>>>> that we don’t know it. And we can’t necessarily console ourselves with
>>>> the hope that we will have more answers any time soon; to this day,
>>>> the final volume of the C.I.A.’s official history of the Bay of Pigs
>>>> remains classified. We don’t know what happened more than a
>>>> half-century ago, much less in 2011.
>>>> "There are different ways to control a narrative. There’s the
>>>> old-fashioned way: Classify documents that you don’t want seen and, as
>>>> Gates said, 'keep mum on the details.’' But there’s also the more
>>>> modern, social-media-savvy approach: Tell the story you want them to
>>>> believe. Silence is one way to keep a secret. Talking is another. And
>>>> they are not mutually exclusive."
>>> -
>>> Pynchon-l /
Pynchon-l /

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