Re: 3D Model Showed Controversial Photo of John F. Kennedy’s Assassin Is Not a Fake

Danny Weltman danny.weltman at
Mon Oct 19 19:07:50 CDT 2015

Holy hyperbolic headlines, Batman. Ruling out one possible reason to think
a photograph is fake is not the same as proving that the photograph is
real. That's like saying I must be the King of France, because I wasn't
drunk when I claimed to be the King of France, so we can rule out the
possibility that I'm just bragging while intoxicated.

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 3:14 PM, Dave Monroe <against.the.dave at>

> Doubts surrounded the incriminating photo since Kennedy was assassinated
> in 1963
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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