Shrinks and LSD

Thomas Eckhardt thomas.eckhardt at
Thu Oct 22 03:26:45 CDT 2015

I wouldn't know about Cary Grant taking drugs but agree that Pynchon in 
COL49 hints at a link between Nazi human experimentation and LSD 
experiments conducted by the CIA within the context of what became known 
much later as MK-Ultra (it seems that the Edgewood Arsenal experiments 
were part of a different programme run by the military).

How could Pynchon know about this when the first full-length study of 
CIA human experimentation, John Marks' brilliant "The Search for the 
Manchurian Candidate" was not published until 1979?

Recommended reading:

Hank Albarelli, A Terrible Mistake (could have used an editor but 
provides a lot of information not found elsewhere).

Alfred McCoy, "A Question of Torture" (traces the methods used in 
"enhanced interrogations" back to MK-Ultra).

Am 21.10.2015 um 10:00 schrieb matthew cissell:
> So I guess you folks know that before Kesey or Timothy L got on the
> bus, there were some Hollywood people getting thier heads cleared with
> LSD. This was thanks to a Dr Oscar Janiger. Cary Grant got turned on
> because his gal Betsy was seeing the good Doc.
>    Does anyone know if anything has been written in the Pynchon
> criticism suggesting a link between the real life Dr Doses and the
> CL49 Dr Hilarious.
> (Apparently there is a connection - Edgewood Arsenal experiments -
> between MKULTRA and its LSD experiments and some of the Nazi
> scientists who were brought over by Paperclip.)
> Apparently Cary was rather public about his LSD use since it wasn't
> illegal until later. Could TP have know about the Dr.s and their
> treatments or experiments?
> mc
> -
> Pynchon-l /
Pynchon-l /

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