NP - W von Braun on Nazi Hunter doc

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Thu Oct 22 05:30:52 CDT 2015

Thanks for wikipedia citation. I once read ( some of) this book. Too overwhelming then. But anyway, in the section on criticism of it, I really "like" (irony intended) the line that there was a failure to prove that authoritarian beliefs led to authoritarian actions. WTF? Do we give up common human sense for some overly positivistic belief in scientific truth? 
Authoritarians will trump ( pun intended) your very gaze, your innocent remark, your kindnesses. 

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On Oct 22, 2015, at 4:00 AM, Thomas Eckhardt <thomas.eckhardt at> wrote:

>> Didn't Wilhelm Reich say something about at a certain level the
>> Germans wanted a dictator? This then makes me think about how some of
>> Pynchon's characters (Frenesi for example) gravitate toward these
>> fascistic personalities.
> This is a recurring and controversial trope in Pynchon to this day (Windust and Maxine): the longing for the dictator/the father figure/the fascist etc. Having read neither Reich nor Brown, I am reminded of "The Authoritarian Personality":
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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