Jacques Rivette and TRP

Johnny Marr marrja at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 09:15:35 CDT 2015

With the forthcoming DVD release of Jacques Rivette's incomparable
postmodern monuemnt Out 1, the following piece may be of interest to
Pynchonians. Jonathan Rosenbaum brings up a direct link between two central
works of early 1970s bohemian paranoia


Rosenbaum: “The coded messages Leaud intercepts are significantly different
in the two films.” Different how? Also: “Much as Thomas Pynchon in *Gravity’s
Rainbow* bears witness to mid-century paranoia by turning imaginary plots
into real ones and vice versa, Rivette has a chilling way of both
suggesting explanations and dispersing them in this monumental, maddening

Come for Pynchon, stay for Balzac, Lewis Carroll, Rohmer, Goddard, Paris
1968, and Jacques Rivette his own brilliant, confounding yet delightful
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