Re: What Do We Really Know About Osama bin Laden’s Death?

David Morris fqmorris at
Sat Oct 31 12:42:46 CDT 2015

I agree in principle, Ish. Reality is complex and full of paradox.

David Morris

On Saturday, October 31, 2015, ish mailian <ishmailian at> wrote:

> The argument that the enemies of America and its democracy (OBL & C0.) are
> only a threat to America and its democratic ideas because  the Military
> Industrial Complex and the government are engaged in a seemingly endless
> conflict or series of wars is not new. It's older that Eisenhower's famous
> statement, older than Madison's warning. While I agree with the argument,
> in the abstract, it's useless when the reality is that the enemies are not
> merely made by US murder and money. The world is far too complex for simple
> arguments about democracy and how it may be preserved or how things are
> supposed to work in a democracy. We can take some simple comfort in the
> fact that, as the Beatles said, It's getting better all the time", but if
> we want more than simple comfort, we need to acknowledge the complexity of
> conflicts and recognize that the US has an unenviable part to play in them,
> that sometimes involves assassination and the mass murder of innocence.
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