BtZ42, Vp.41 (the real thing)
David Morris
fqmorris at
Sun Apr 24 13:40:23 CDT 2016
They are already "taking on" what propaganda is asking from them. And they
are willing to take on more, should it be thrown at them. "Taking on"
means to fight against, to oppose.
David Morris
On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 10:02 AM, Monte Davis <montedavis49 at>
> [Please excuse the previous version, sent prematurely]
> Roger & Jessica's life in the evacuated town "is marginal, hungry,
> chilly—most times they’re too paranoid to risk a fire— but it’s something
> they want to keep, so much that to keep it they will take on more than
> propaganda has ever asked them for."
> What propaganda "asks them for" is outlined a paragraph earlier: "it’s
> better to-gether, snuggled in, than back out in the paper, fires, khaki,
> steel of the Home Front. That, indeed, the Home Front is something of a
> fiction and lie, designed, not too subtly, to draw them apart, to subvert
> love in favor of work, abstraction, required pain, bitter death."
> Restated later, p. 177: "Damned Beaver/Jeremy *is* the War, he is every
> assertion the fucking War has ever made—that we are meant for work and
> government, for austerity: and these shall take priority over love, dreams,
> the spirit, the senses and the other second-class trivia that are found
> among the idle and mindless hours of the day . . "
> Question: what exactly is the "more" that R&J will take on to keep what
> they have? What do they do to themselves that is somehow *like* and
> *beyond* what the collective psychosis of "total war" is demanding?
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