Pynchon Collectors: [ -- please respond off-list -- ]

Tyler Wilson tbsqrd at
Thu Feb 4 10:03:47 CST 2016

Hey, Folks. This may not apply to or interest ninety-nine percent of you, but for the serious collectors / completists that list or lurk here, I thought I'd let you know that for a short time I have the following item available for purchase:

Proceedings, second series, number twenty-six, 1976, published by the American Academy of Arts and Letters & the National Institute of Arts and Letters. This is the publication that reprints Pynchon's letter declining the Howells Medal for Literature of the Academy. There were only 650 copies printed and it very rarely comes on the market. This copy is not an ex-library copy and is in very good to near fine condition. Furthermore, this copy happens to be signed by William Gaddis, Norman Mailer, William Styron and William H. Gass, all on pages that were relevant to them, respectively.

Truth be told, I do not want to let go of this item, but currently need the money, and so am entertaining serious offers for purchase. It will not go cheap, but I am open to being fairly flexible under the circumstances.

If you are seriously interested, please contact me off-list for additional information.

Thanks for indulging me, here, and thanks for the regularly good discussions engaged in by many of you. I read them all.

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