NP: Q re Jung Order

Steven Koteff steviekoteff at
Mon Feb 15 18:14:39 CST 2016

On Ian's recommendation, I'm about to start PSYCHOLOGY AND ALCHEMY in advance of Zero. Though the dude I bought it from accidentally sent Vol11, PSYCHOLOGY AND RELIGION: WEST AND EAST, the editor's note to which says a full understanding of Jung's ideas on archetypes, in addition to a few other volumes of the collected (unspecified by him except for AION and PSYCHOLOGY AND ALCHEMY). 

But the note doesn't say anything about the order in which these things should best be consumed--if X builds on Y to the extent that X's comprehendability is diminished by not reading Y first, so forth. 

Not having read the collected en maas, I turn to you guys, confident that at least one of you will have a considered opinion. 

Does the vein of Jung's work I am immediately interested in, before the GR read (alongside the other things I want to read before 3/15, I have time for maybe 3 of the Jung books? though I could stretch that if necessary) best reveal itself in some particular order? Any thoughts on this?

Pynchon-l /

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