The old Common Reader reason and still a great one. Wish he had discovered Pynchon, some others

Mark Thibodeau jerkyleboeuf at
Mon Feb 15 23:13:12 CST 2016

You need only see the current "controversy" over the mere idea that
President Obama might have the unmitigated GALL to do his fucking job and
pick a successor to Scalia - and the ahistorical, anti-constitutional,
probably race-based and definitely hate-based efforts to which his
political enemies are promising to go to prevent that from happening - to
find at least a partial answer to your rhetorical question.


On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 11:29 PM, Jochen Stremmel <jstremmel at>

> Sorry for asking ...
> 2016-02-16 5:20 GMT+01:00 Robert Mahnke <rpmahnke at>:
>> Because the Congress has prevented him from doing so.  It's another harsh
>> lesson that our chief executive cannot simply impose his will.
>> On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 3:19 AM, Jochen Stremmel <jstremmel at>
>> wrote:
>>> If that citizen has empathy why didn't he shut down Guantanamo?
>>> 2016-02-15 12:10 GMT+01:00 Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at>:
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