NP: Q re Jung Order

Allan Balliett allan.balliett at
Tue Feb 16 05:53:58 CST 2016

Fond of the Woo

Mark Kohut -  Here are a couple of questions that only you can answer:

When did "New Age" become a publisher's category?

More importantly for my consideration, when did New Age book advertisements
start featuring the smiling faces of their authors rather than
inspirational images?

Landmark dates in the evolution of inductive reasoning, I'd assume.

Myself, I was an early adaptor, subscribing to mail order Rosicrucian
teachings before I was out of High School, well before I ever heard the
name "Sandoz."

Allan in WV 'Here, here's proof: concentrate on the needle floating on the
surface of the water in this glass...'

On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 5:47 AM, Ian Livingston <igrlivingston at>

> Hm. Well, in real point of historical dialectic, both may be, along with
> several others. Jung is credited with the name, "New Age" and specifically
> tied it to Aquarius as determined by the precession of the Earth's axis.
> On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 2:13 AM, Mike Weaver <mike.weaver at>
> wrote:
>> Ian Livingston <igrlivingston at> wrote :
>> >I would add in Aion as being particularly relevant to >contemporary lit,
>> as it is the founding document, if such >can be found, of the "New Age"
>> madness that swept the West >in the 60s & 70s,
>> Surely the founding document was 'The Third Eye' by Tuesday Lobsang Rampa
>> published in 1956
>> <>
>> <>
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