P's P's Please

Toby Levy tobyglevy at gmail.com
Fri Feb 19 10:02:15 CST 2016

How did I miss this when it first came out?  OK, I have come to accpet the
fact that there are virtually no pictures of P, but why no pictures of
Melanie? If she's so pretty, you would think she would love a camera.


On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 9:45 AM, Paul Mackin <mackin.paul at gmail.com> wrote:

> Not very authoritative.  No footnotes probably because sources aren't very
> authoritative either.
> On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 3:56 AM, matthew cissell <mccissell at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Tyler,
>> Thanks, I had forgetten about the Kachka piece. That must have been it,
>> but I thought I had come across something that referred to his parents
>> later years and a reconciliation of sorts.
>> (What is the Pyn community consensus on the piece? I know that Jules
>> Siegel's Playboy interview is sometimes called into question on grounds of
>> motive (self-serving, revenge, etc.), but what about Boris' work?)
>>    Ok, wait, you deserve big thanks my man. I went back to look at the
>> Kachka piece and not only does it have the line you mention, but it also,
>> further on, includes that in the 1990's, "Pynchon told friends he was
>> seeing a lot more of his parents" which following what we know about
>> Pynchon's politics and his parent's (father a Serious Republican and mother
>> a serious catholic and likely anti-semite) allows us to infer that there
>> was at least a rift of sorts that was then mended.
>>   That's what I was after. I owe you a beer, or whatever.
>> Very Appreciatively,
>> Matt Cissell
>> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 5:57 PM, Tyler Wilson <tbsqrd at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Matthew —
>>> Though it isn't stated explicitly, that information can be gleaned from
>>> a couple passages of Boris Kachka's 2013 piece for Vulture:
>>> http://www.vulture.com/2013/08/thomas-pynchon-bleeding-edge.html
>>> " . . . he and his then-girlfriend, Mary Ann Tharaldsen, were driving
>>> through Big Sur when she complained of nausea. She wanted to stop at a bar
>>> and have a shot to settle her stomach. According to Tharaldsen, he
>>> exploded, telling her he would not tolerate midday drinking. When she asked
>>> why, he told her he’d seen his mother, after drinking,  accidentally
>>> puncture his father’s eye with a clothespin. It was the only time, says
>>> Tharaldsen, who lived with him, that he ever mentioned his family. “He was
>>> disconnected from them,” she says. “There seems to have been something not
>>> good there.” "
>>> "Pynchon and Jackson married in 1990 and had a son—first name Jackson—a
>>> year later. Pynchon told friends he was seeing a lot more of his parents. .
>>> . . "
>>> Cheers,
>>> --
>>> T
>>> On Feb 18, 2016, at 3:59 AM, matthew cissell <mccissell at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear P-listers,
>>> I have a problem and that is that I could swear that I read somewhere
>>> that  Pynchon had been a bit estranged from his folks but that he
>>> eventually made peace with them. Does that sound familiar to anyone? Where
>>> did that come from? I can't find the source now. Was it from Phyllis
>>> Gebauer?
>>> Beseechingly,
>>> mc otis
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