Wiliam Gibson favored this

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at gmail.com
Sat Feb 20 07:01:27 CST 2016

agree...Just because little else is circulating and his death is a major
'intellectual' event
and there has to be at least SOMETHING that is worth it, since everything
is connected,
and William Gibson was touched enough to favor and

I'm done sending Eco stuff but I bet no one comments on the Pynchon stuff I

On Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 7:51 AM, Jochen Stremmel <jstremmel at gmail.com>

> somebody should perhaps point out to that Eco twitter fan that he was no
> giant at all, quite a good semiotician perhaps but as novelist ... come on.
> (I really don't know why that dwarf has to appear on a P dedicated list.)
> 2016-02-20 13:09 GMT+01:00 Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at gmail.com>:
>> *Nate Bethea (@inthesedeserts
>> <https://twitter.com/inthesedeserts?refsrc=email&s=11>)*
>> 2/19/16, 7:44 PM
>> <https://twitter.com/inthesedeserts/status/700843463613538305?refsrc=email&s=11>
>> Eco was an absolute giant, but his spectacular novels notwithstanding,
>> everyone should read his article “Ur-Fascism” pegc.us/archive/Articl…
>> <https://t.co/PDRMGQlQEH>
>> Download the official Twitter app here
>> <https://twitter.com/download?ref_src=MailTweet-iOS>
>> Sent from my iPad
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