Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Tue Feb 23 04:39:29 CST 2016

in  Low--Lands, Flange's marriage is in its seventh year, that itch time
and Biblical
measurement and Callisto took seven years to build his hothouse fantasy in

One of the reasons Flange's wife has kicked him out is because of her
Interesting word. A suburban wife, who can't stand Pig Bodine and throws
out her
husband, who accepts like it was natural, described as 'rational'. Not
exactly Weber's
rationalization (yet) but I wonder if P had read Weber yet? Setting us up
for the gypsy trip
underground to a new bower of bliss, so to speak.

 Adams we know he had read.

Tangled underground--twice in Low--Lands, and underpasses--as in the place
where Oedipa
has an anarchic revelation. He's got his underworld here.
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