GR translation: last envelopes

Jochen Stremmel jstremmel at
Fri Feb 26 04:49:08 CST 2016

the envelopes of last letters – wonderful laconic and evocative ...

2016-02-26 11:29 GMT+01:00 Mike Jing < at>:

> V724.17-26, P738.34-739.3   It all poises here. Passageways of routine,
> still cogent enough, still herding us through time . . . the iron rockets
> waiting outside . . . the birth-scream of the latest spring torn across
> rainy miles of Saxony, route-sides littered with last envelopes, stripped
> gears, seized bearings, rotted socks and skivvies fragrant now with fungus
> and mud. If there is still hope for Gottfried here in this wind-beat
> moment, then there is hope elsewhere. The scene itself must be read as a
> card: what is to come. Whatever has happened since to the figures in it
> (roughly drawn in soiled white, army gray, spare as a sketch on a ruined
> wall) it is preserved, though it has no name, and, like The Fool, no agreed
> assignment in the deck.
> What are "last envelopes" exactly?
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