BE -- "death wish for the planet"

ish mailian ishmailian at
Sun Feb 28 10:24:22 CST 2016

I don't mean fool in the Shakespearean, as in Lear's Fool, sense at all.
Pynchon's narrators in GR are Shakespearean Fools in that the songs, the
twists and turns of language, the puns, the playful and risky addresses to
the audience/reader, the court, the Greek Chorus kind of function the Fool
has been said to Ahab's Fool, one Pip, the Black minstrel
does, no Ernie is a nice old guy, smart and insightful enough, not a wit,
not a tragic or ironic voice, not a mouthpiece of Pynchon, but of, in the
Mennipean tradition, an attitude, one that he carries into his private
life, sort of a twist on the way, though without the moat and sharp
division, John Wemmick  works in Dickens's GE. Wemmick works for Vibe, or
as he is named by Dickens, Jaggers.

Anyone with Google can trace a brief history of the internet.  It's not
1970 so Pynchon doesn't impress us with his research, as he once
did,  neither does Ernie.   Though Ernie tries, Pynchon knows better.

On Sunday, February 28, 2016, Jochen Stremmel <jstremmel at> wrote:

> If Ernie is a fool then in a Shakespearean sense, somebody who has savvy
> and freedom to speak the truth like in that paragraph about the genesis of
> the Internet Thomas quoted from.
> 2016-02-28 13:46 GMT+01:00 ish mailian <ishmailian at
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','ishmailian at');>>:
>> It's difficult to make strong arguments about the characters in these
>> satires, but I'm confident in my reading ....sorry not going to defend
>> it right now.
>> On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 2:56 AM, Thomas Eckhardt
>> <thomas.eckhardt at
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','thomas.eckhardt at');>> wrote:
>> > To me this suggests that your argument that P depicts Ernie as a fool is
>> > rather weak.
>> >
>> >
>> > Am 27.02.2016 um 18:43 schrieb ish mailian:
>> >>
>> >> Of course, P hedges his satire of Ernie in several ways, not the least
>> >> of which is that the text also suggests that his daughters are
>> >> attracted to fascists and pigs not because of anything on the Tube or
>> >> in Film or mass produced culture (the Tube) but because of something
>> >> in them, something in females,  just because they are female, or, to
>> >> complicate matters, because of some variation on the Electra Complex
>> >> ...etc.
>> >>
>> >> Hedging is not quite what he does, it's that ironies, like Jewish
>> >> Lefty raised Girl falls for German Commodities trader with fascist
>> >> face of Hunky Nazi Hollywood Star than gets fucked in the ass by a
>> >> Neo-Con and ends up with his Wife talking US South American
>> >> politics.....and on and on turning the old daisy chain of screws so
>> >> that we get  hysterically inflated to the bursting point of a million
>> >> laughs on every absurdity turned inside out and backward.
>> -
>> Pynchon-l /
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